February 18, 2014

Tween "Love"

February reminds me of my love life. Which nobody has been part of. I’ve never had a boyfriend, someone to cuddle, kiss, make mixtapes for and all the other stuff couples do. (And I don't even care)
I am that girl that falls in love or likes someone very easily. Admires her crush from a far and never even tries to approach him. Just because, I don’t really expect someone to like me back. And HOW DO YOU EVEN APPROACH THE BOY YOU LIKE, that’s my #1 life problem. 

In 7th grade someone did like me, and I kinda liked him back. He wanted to be my boyfriend. But I was 12, and I wasn't ready for it. Neither did I believe in tween love relationships, I thought they were stupid because they usually only lasted for 1 week. 

So in 7th grade when that boy messaged me and told me he liked me I freaked out. I didn't know what to do, I tried to ignore it but it kept occupying and haunting my thoughts. 
When I had to go back to school, I couldn't even look him into the eye. I wanted to hide and avoid the whole situation, but I knew that wouldn't be the right thing to do. So one day I clustered my courage together and decided to message him back. It went like "I like you, but I don't want to be in a relationship or something like that, sorry". 
That were my thoughts on it and I guess I wanted him to know. I was twelve... I didn't know what to do.
 We kept talking to each other (in a very awkward way) and we actually kinda became friends. He told me he loved me and I usually said I loved him back, but I liked him. I didn't know there was a  big difference between like and love at that time. They are two complete different things
This went on for a month. He ditched me a few times in the meantime and then came back to apologize for hurting me.  I guess he got sick and tired for apologizing and feeling sorry so after a while he ran off with his ex-girlfriend without any explanation. They’re still together by the way. I cried for like weeks because I thought that I screwed up, and nobody would ever like me again.

I don’t regret saying I wasn't ready to have a boyfriend. I’m actually glad I did… he isn’t even that cute, nice, or all the things I thought he was. My first boyfriend still has to come along and I believe it will be someone better than this guy. Some people find it weird that I'm 14 and never had a boyfriend and it pisses me off. Everyone should take their time, and find someone they really like. There isn't an age you have to had your first boyfriend/girlfriend by. If you're young, ready and you feel good about it go for it! If you're 21 and you're worrying about being single, don't. Your boy or girl will come along and just enjoy your single (less drama) life!

This weird story of mine has actually made me wiser and stronger for some weird reason. When someone breaks up with you or doesn't like you back, breathe, everything will be all right. The 12 year old me thought I would never get over it but look at me now, OMG, I'm fine! Now I know better, and I feel more confident about the whole relationship thing. I missed out on a boy, so what? There are plenty of fish in the sea.

Stay weird, Quirine. 

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