February 5, 2014

Organization - get your teenage life under control!

The best way to get your life sorted for the new year is to organise! so thats what we're to help you do! 

A few quick tips on how to organise and survive your school life. As you get older the work load gets bigger and we're all just waiting for that day we graduate and leave those school halls forever. but until then the least you can do is make your life a little easier… so follow these quick tips:

your desk/workspace ~
  • Have a huge clean out - it really helps to cull, you never know what you might find and don't be afraid to throw things away!
  • Go for a theme! - its fun to have a theme because it keeps you desk looking neat and funky too. I've gone for the paper theme; using neutrals and putting a little vintage touch into my workspace.
  • By quirky storage units - this is a fun way to decorate your desk as well as keep your essentials neatly stored and at the ready.
  • Make sure your desk isn't too cluttered because you will lose space to work on
  • Buy a little clipboard (like myself) or whiteboard - to jot down important things you need to get done! a girl has gotta be on top of things.

school/daily organisation ~
  • The best thing to do is buy a diary or notebook - so that you can jot down due dates for homework, appointments and anything that comes to mind. 
  • Buy post-it notes to put around the place - it helps to remember certain things. e.g. "remember to take english book"
  • Always put things away after you use them - if you get into a habit of doing this its great because you'll always have a tidy room! (well reasonably tidy)
  • Put the date on everything - particularly school work, because if you need to go back to something or if you need to talk to your teacher about something you'll know exactly when it was! 
  • Put labels on the side of your school books - so that you can see them standing in your locker!
    add labels to your books

a few photos that could give you some inspiration or some interesting ways to 
organise all of your bit and pieces!

use paperclips to keep cords 

Lets face it all of our rooms go through a time where it looks like a hurricane has swept through, be it discarded clothes all over the floor, stacks of empty dishes, a bunch of clutter on every surface and in every corner or all three. Keeping your room neat and avoiding these moments can be a tough task, but if you follow these tips it will make the maintaining order so much easier:

your bedroom ~
  • Clean up and do some laundry - clean up crusty dishes and get rid of the main mess.
  • De-Clutter - Go through your room one section at a time, starting with surfaces and moving to that one drawer in your bedside table crammed full of unknown clutter. THROW AWAY EVERYTHING YOU DON’T ABSOLUTELY NEED.  I always think “oh I could use this one day” but if you haven’t used it in a long time, chances are you won’t again.
  • Storage - Once you’ve narrowed it down to the essentials it’s time to think about where you’re putting them. If you’re like me and have random empty drawers after this de-cluttering designate each one for a specific item or use. Limit yourself to one junk drawer, not five (I’m guilty). Another awesome storage idea is hanging organisers that don’t take up a lot of space in your closet but can provide valuable storage space. 
  • Bins - To keep your drawers organised as well I swear by bins. For example, I have a bin for hair accessories, nail polish, makeup, stocking stuffers I got for Christmas and will never use and a big pile of old and incomplete journals, all hidden away in a drawer. 
  • Decorate! - Joust a little tip, small decorations look like clutter, go for large statement pieces such as flowers or art, which can sit on your shelves as well as your wall. Having a room that looks pretty will give you incentive to keep it clean!
Lots of love, Tori and Ana

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