April 18, 2014

Good Vibes

                Being sad sucks. It’s unavoidable but that doesn’t make it suck any less. In fact that probably makes it suck more. Fortunately humans have had this problem for a while now so there are plenty of ways to deal with it. As one depressed teen to another here are some ways to help you feel better.

                In your room

There’s usually plenty of stuff to do at home for most teens. Most of the things that people want you to do happen out of your room or bed. Some things that don’t take you out of your inner sanctum are

-Cleaning your room
I know this doesn’t sound appealing, especially if you feel shitty but even just making your bed can help you feel more clear and organized.     
-Reading a book or playing a videogame
Escapes from reality are always nice. Stories will always be there for you. In some cases like skyrim you get to create your own character and they can be whoever you want. Immerse yourself in them or the story that you choose and just get away for a while.

-Watching something
Same concept as before just with a time limit. When I feel shitty and I don’t have the energy to put into anything I just find something to watch (usually Parks and Rec) and let it make me laugh or cry or just make me feel like the world isn’t so dark and I am not alone.

-Wrapping up
Sometimes bundling yourself up in all the blankets you own and just not getting out of bed can be really cathartic. I don’t know why I just know it works.
                Around the house

Lots more options open up when you leave your room such as

-Baking something
Cook. Cook anything. It is one of the most satisfying feelings to have made something and it’s only fair that you should get to consume it. I make some wicked brownies and let me tell you it is fantastic.

-Laying outside
Get yourself a blanket and enjoy the day. Whether you make a fort on the porch or a picnic in the backyard or even lay out on your roof, just enjoy the outdoors. Appreciate the sunlight and any other element you may encounter.

I mean this in the broadest sense of the word. Write a story or poem, paint a picture, draw your cat, sing, dance, take pictures, and anything else that could ever be classified as art. Like cooking it’s a form of creation as well as self-expression and can help vent some of those negative emotions.

Out in the great wide world
It can be scary out here but it’s well worth it.  Some options if you feel well enough to venture out some things you could try are

Walking gives you plenty of time to think as well as lots of exercise and outside time. Your feet can take you lots of places.

Walking’s faster and often less desirable counterpart. When I run I usually just run until I can’t breathe and at that point I’m usually too tired to be sad. Also any sort of exercise can cause the release of endorphins and it just makes you feel good when you’re done. Even if it does feel shitty while it’s happening.

-Talking to friends
Find some way to communicate and hang out with them if you can. Friends will almost always be the best solution to feeling bad. They have helped me through many of my rough patches and they are also most of the reason that I’m not quite dead yet. Friends are fantastic.
                General Solutions

You can always just listen to music or find a nice quiet place and calm down. Meditation is good for some people, some like to drink tea. Some people need to be alone and others need to talk it out. Honestly it’s up to you and only you to determine what is best for you. As long as it helps and it’s not dangerous or detrimental to your health go for it.

                                                                                             Chin up, Baker

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